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  • Writer's pictureVoIP Express

What is a Hybrid-Hosted PBX and why is it simply the best solution available for small business phone systems?

In today's fast-paced business world, effective communication is crucial for success. Companies are increasingly turning to VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone systems to streamline their communication processes, enhance flexibility, and reduce costs. Traditionally, businesses have had to choose between "hosted" VoIP and "on-premise" VoIP solutions, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. However, a new type of phone system, the "hybrid-hosted" VoIP phone system, is emerging as a game-changer, combining the best features of both "hosted" and "on-premise" solutions while significantly reducing costs.

"Hosted" VoIP Phone Systems

What is it? A "hosted" VoIP phone system is managed and maintained by a third-party provider. The service provider hosts the infrastructure in the cloud, which means businesses only need to connect their phones to the internet.


  1. Scalability: "Hosted" VoIP systems are highly scalable, making them ideal for growing businesses. Adding new users is as simple as purchasing additional licenses.

  2. Low Initial Investment: Since the infrastructure is hosted by the service provider, there is no need for significant upfront capital expenditure on hardware.

  3. Maintenance and Upgrades: The service provider handles all maintenance and upgrades, ensuring the system is always up-to-date without any additional effort from the business.


  1. Recurring Costs: While the initial costs are low, businesses must pay ongoing subscription fees, which can add up over time.

  2. Dependence on Internet Connection: "Hosted" VoIP systems rely entirely on the internet. Any disruption in the internet service can lead to downtime and communication issues.

  3. Limited Control: Since the system is managed by the provider, businesses have limited control over the infrastructure and its customization.

"On-Premise" VoIP Phone Systems

What is it? An "on-premise" VoIP phone system is installed and maintained within a company's own facilities. The business owns the infrastructure and is responsible for its management, giving them full control over their phone system. It connects to phone lines from the phone company, typically FXO landlines and ISDN T1 PRI.


  1. Control and Customization: Businesses have complete control over their VoIP system, allowing for extensive customization to meet specific needs.

  2. Reliability: "On-premise" systems are often more reliable as they are not entirely dependent on an internet connection. Local network outages do not affect the phone system.

  3. Lower Long-Term Costs: Although the initial investment is higher, the long-term costs can be lower since there are no recurring subscription fees.


  1. High Initial Investment: "On-premise" systems require a significant upfront investment in hardware and infrastructure.

  2. Maintenance Responsibility: The business is responsible for maintaining the system, including hardware upgrades, repairs, and software updates.

  3. Scalability Issues: Expanding an "on-premise" system can be challenging and costly, as it often involves purchasing additional hardware and licenses.

"Hybrid-Hosted" VoIP Phone Systems: The Best of All Worlds

What is it? A "hybrid-hosted" VoIP phone system combines elements of both "hosted" and "on-premise" solutions. This approach allows businesses to use local hardware for critical operations while leveraging cloud resources for scalability and flexibility. It connects to the cloud for PSTN phone service via SIP Trunks.


  1. Cost Efficiency: "Hybrid-hosted" systems reduce costs by leveraging both local hardware and cloud-based resources. Businesses can minimize upfront investments while avoiding high recurring fees.

  2. Flexibility and Scalability: "Hybrid-hosted" systems can easily scale to accommodate business growth. Additional users can be added quickly without significant infrastructure changes.

  3. Reliability and Redundancy: By using both local and cloud-based resources, "hybrid-hosted" systems provide higher reliability. If one system fails, the other can take over, ensuring continuous communication.

  4. Control and Customization: Businesses retain control over their on-premise components while benefiting from the scalability and maintenance advantages of "hosted" solutions.

  5. Perfect Call Quality: By combining local and cloud resources, "hybrid-hosted" systems can optimize call routing and quality, ensuring crystal-clear communication.


  1. Complexity: Implementing and managing a "hybrid-hosted" system can be more complex than using a single "hosted" or "on-premise" solution. It requires careful planning and coordination.

  2. Integration Challenges: Ensuring seamless integration between the on-premise and hosted components can be challenging and may require specialized expertise.

Cost Comparison

Monthly Cost Comparison for Different VoIP Systems

  • Hosted VoIP: $40/month per seat

  • On-Premise VoIP: $7/month per seat

  • Hybrid-Hosted VoIP: $5/month per seat

This graph clearly shows the difference in monthly costs between the three types of VoIP systems. "Hosted" VoIP systems have the highest monthly costs, followed by "On-Premise" VoIP systems, and "Hybrid-Hosted" VoIP systems have the lowest monthly costs.

5-Year Cost Comparison for a 20-Seat Phone System

  • Hosted VoIP: $49,220

  • On-Premise VoIP: $12,060

  • Hybrid-Hosted VoIP: $6,160

Savings over 5 Years:

  • Compared to Hosted VoIP: $43,060

  • Compared to On-Premise VoIP: $5,900

5-Year Cost Comparison for a 50-Seat Phone System

  • Hosted VoIP: $123,050

  • On-Premise VoIP: $30,150

  • Hybrid-Hosted VoIP: $15,400

Savings over 5 Years:

  • Compared to Hosted VoIP: $107,650

  • Compared to On-Premise VoIP: $14,750

VoIP PBX Express: Delivering "Hybrid-Hosted" Systems

VoIP PBX Express offers a comprehensive "hybrid-hosted" VoIP solution that integrates the best features of both hosted and on-premise systems using advanced technology.

SIP Express SIP Trunk Service VoIP PBX Express provides seamless connectivity to the cloud for PSTN phone service through its SIP Express SIP trunk service. This ensures reliable and high-quality voice communications, leveraging cloud resources to handle external calls efficiently and cost-effectively.

Cisco 4300 and 4400 ISR Routers with Call-Manager Express At the core of the "hybrid-hosted" system are Cisco 4300 and 4400 Integrated Services Routers (ISR) running Call-Manager Express. These routers offer robust and flexible on-premise capabilities, providing businesses with complete control over their internal communications infrastructure. The integration of Call-Manager Express allows for sophisticated call handling, management, and customization to meet the specific needs of any business.

Sangoma PBXact and FreePBX Systems VoIP PBX Express also utilizes Sangoma PBXact and FreePBX systems to enhance onsite-cloud integration. These systems offer powerful, flexible, and scalable solutions that integrate seamlessly with both on-premise and cloud-based components, ensuring businesses can leverage the benefits of both environments.


The "hybrid-hosted" VoIP phone system represents the next evolution in business communication, offering a balanced solution that combines the scalability and low maintenance of "hosted" systems with the control and reliability of "on-premise" solutions. By adopting a hybrid approach, businesses can enjoy the best of all worlds while significantly reducing their communication costs. As the cost comparisons demonstrate, "hybrid-hosted" systems offer substantial savings over both "hosted" and "on-premise" systems, making them an attractive option for businesses seeking a flexible, reliable, and cost-effective communication solution.

VoIP PBX Express exemplifies this approach by offering "hybrid-hosted" systems utilizing SIP Express SIP trunk service, Cisco 4300 and 4400 ISR routers running Call-Manager Express, and Sangoma PBXact and FreePBX systems for enhanced onsite-cloud integration. This combination ensures businesses receive the highest quality service, control, and flexibility needed for their communication needs.


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